An incomplete list of features included in all versions of Hydejack:

  • Responsive layout with unique design features for every screen size
  • Cover Pages for a stunning first impression.
  • Customizable sidebar and touch-enabled drawer menu
  • Single Page Web App-style page loading
  • Advanced FLIP animations, inspired by Material Design
  • Good [Google PageSpeed Score][gpss]1
  • [Syntax highlighting][syntax], powered by [Rouge]
  • [LaTeX math blocks][latex], rendered with ether [KaTeX] or [MathJax] at your choice
  • Soft-coded labels: Change wording or translate to other languages via a single file
  • Support for categories and tags
  • Author section below each article and support for multiple authors
  • Built-in icons for many social networks
  • Simple and semantic HTML + Structured Data
  • Google Analytics and Google Fonts support
  • Works with GitHub Pages out of the box2
  1. Actual page load speed depends on your hosting provider, location, resolution and format of images, usage of 3rd party plugins, and other factors. ↩︎

  2. Some limitations apply, most notably the need to use use MathJax instead of KaTeX for math block rendering. ↩︎